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The Offense

  • Sledge: "Very imposing man! He challenged me to an arm wrestling contest, loser eats haggis. I declined. He calls me lad, which I like!

  • Thatcher: "Very wise. Has some troubles with his new phone, although I think Grace may be playing a little joke on him. He beat me in a foot race, which was a surprise let me tell you!"

  • Ash: "Very talkative. Punches me on the arm and calls me bro all the time, which is kind of nice. It's sort of like having an American big sister. She calls me Fries and Toast, although I'm not sure why."

  • Thermite: "Smells like gunpowder. He told me he got hair implants for his eyebrows, but I'm not sure I believe him."

  • Twitch: "Very smart. Has been in my unit for a while now, and she always manages to explain how her technology works without dumbing it down too much. That reminds me, maybe I should look into a lightweight armor for her drone. She always pouts when one gets destroyed."

  • Montagne: "Must be incredibly strong. Even carrying around my armor all day is tasking, but he has a giant shield too. He suggests deep tissue massage, and gave me a recommendation for a place. He winked when he said it though, so maybe I should find my own."

  • Glaz: "Never actually seen him up close. He uses a vaporizer, to quite smoking, though, so you can always tell when he's around. I hope he isn't avoiding me, I'd like to get his opinion on high-caliber protection armor."

  • Fuze: "Brash. We don't see eye to eye most of the time, but my mother always said it would be a funny old world if we were all the same."

  • Blitz: "Always running around. Lately we've been training in track together, as he's trying to get quicker and he asked for my help."

  • IQ: "Always working out. Whenever I go to the gym in the morning she's already in there. She's a good spotter, but sometimes she yells when she doesn't turn down her music. She challenged me to a squat-off, and won easily! She got me pink track shoes for my birthday. I adore them."

  • Buck: "Can't enter a door normally. He always bursts in, but he's very apologetic about it. I think he has a benign tremor, and he won't see Doc about it, but i suppose he knows himself, so I'm not worried!"

  • Blackbeard: "Always making pirate jokes. He says 'Aye', but whenever he realizes it he gets embarrassed. Jordan burnt the tip of his beard once, on accident I think, and he took it pretty well, but I'm almost positive I heard him mutter something about a gangplank."

  • Capitao: "Always makes 'Keep one eye on you' jokes, but usually he's talking about Taina. He says Blackbeard is jealous of him, because he's more like a pirate."

  • Hibana: "Can't take a good picture, which is odd because she looks like she'd be photogenic in real life. Always wears a hoodie, even when it's warm out."

  • Jackel: "Very tall, but kind of thin. Meghan tries to get him to go to the gym, but he usually says he's too tired. Zofia tries to feed him all the time, and she told me that he fell asleep in a bowl of soup once."

  • Ying: Very bright. I don't like to drive with her. She said that I had something against asian, female drivers, which made me feel terrible, but she apologized and told me she was just joking, and we've been good since. Very small."

  • Zofia: "A lot like a mom. She once told Mark to put a sweater on when he went out and had to go sit down for a moment. He did put on on, though. Her and Ela have a strained relationship, but my mom always said the closer people are the more friction they cause."

  • Dokkaebi: "We binge watch tv shows together, and I try to get her to the gym more. She listens to techno music at night, and used to ask Thatcher for advice on how to use her phone. He just sighed and she laughed, but someone accidentally cut the power to the rec-room when she was close to leveling up in a game and she stopped."

  • Finka: "Always in the gym too. She, Monika and Meghan are always in the gym, which is nice to have people to talk to when I go in. She sometimes drops the weights, but I'm sure she doesn't mean to. When she heard I was in track and field she challenged me to see who could get the best times. I saw her trip once and she yelled at her leg under her breath for a few minutes, but we all have our quirks."

  • Lion: "Always playing with those little toy helicopters. He and Montagne seem to really get along, but after the scuffle between him and Thatcher things have been kind of tense. Attitudes have settled down and he thanked me for speaking up for him, but I just want all of us to get along. After all, we're a team. And I felt bad for breaking his helicopter when he tried to land it on my head."


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